Let’s Get Social
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A place to help you enjoy even the smallest milestones. Why? Because there is always something to celebrate in life.
About us
Nestled in the heart of Gig Harbor, we are more than just an event business; we are your go-to destination for all things celebratory. With an appreciation for the finest local charcuterie, we aim to bring authentic flavors to your table.
But our offerings don't stop there. Soon, we'll be unveiling a range of event rentals, curated to elevate any occasion.
Beyond the tangibles, we understand that planning an event can be overwhelming. That's where Slice + Social steps in. From event planning guidance to consulting, we're here to navigate the intricacies of organizing a successful event. Whether you're on a tight budget or aiming for opulence, our insider tips and tricks promise to maximize every penny without compromising on the wow factor. Dive deep into our event blogs, where we share insider secrets on how to throw a lavish party that's the talk of the town.
Join us on this journey and let's create moments that resonate, celebrations that captivate, and memories that last a lifetime.
Welcome to Slice + Social– where dreams meet reality.
Are you based in Gig Harbor or nearby areas? Elevate your next event with our exquisite charcuterie boards! Click here to find out for more information!
Coming soon!
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Searching for the ideal venue? Seeking trusted local florist recommendations? Or simply in need of a day-of event coordinator? Slice + Social has all your needs covered!
Find out how we can help here.
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